
Leaked Battlefield 3 ALPHA gameplay released and more videos - hulseyaginsons

Earlier I posted news about the game in ALPHA using screenshots but if a picture is worth a thousand words then I am sure that these videos should be enough to write a trilogy about the game. ALPHA trials of the game have already began and antonymous to the earlier screenshots the game looks AMAZING, It's decidedly a huge improvement over the screenshots and the graphics are right now a little higher than the graphics of Bad Company 2. At present all we have to do is wait for the BETA access to start.

Battlefield 3 ALPHA gameplay footage got leaked and so far the game is Actually amazing, my favorite thing about the ALPHA is how the blood on screen looks Thomas More realistic than what Call of Duty games offered and is improved over what Field Bad Company 2 offered , The first video is decidedly the recon class and if you see a dishonourable bar on the screen it's the owner of the video protecting his EA account ID so that helium doesn't lose his Of import privilege it is a nice motion of the guy to risk his calculate for the sake of giving fans of the spunky an early taste of what to look in the BETA and sooner or later the closing game.

In the second video the first few seconds show the player in the subway but No enemies after which IT's back to the parking lot where helium shows off some what I imagine is Engineer (imputable him exploitation an RPG) and humourous some enemies. What I really like is how the tongue is a separate artillery and can be left out ready to kill (like in Counter-Strike) and the brutal Melee style of killing an enemy with a knife is as wel a nice touch down which has been utilized in Killzone 3 lately. Later on in the video you can see the good and hard of end 3.0 while you still can't destroy ordinary objects like Ceiling lights you can still RPG a construction to debris.

I am glad to see that Rush has been improved on and that the explosions of the objectives blowing heavenward is Thomas More realistic than before. Battlefield 3 is shaping up to be a Pregnant stake and testament definitely deliver once it releases. I for same can't hold back for the aboriginal access BETA to the game thanks to my Medal of Pureness Limited Edition.

Here are a hardly a more videos for your viewing joy.

You fanny perspective more of the Exploratory footage of the game by sledding Hither


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